Top MFiSA Features

Not just a Payment Aggregator but a Payments Accelerator

Mobile Money

Receive payments in form of mobile money from your clients subscribed to our various Mobile Money Operator partners throughout Africa.

Card Payments

Receive payments from clients via their bank cards. We support all major cards including VISA, MasterCard, and Verve.

Custom Payment Solutions

Different merchants and billers come with different needs. At MFiSA, you can request a custom payment solution to fit your needs

Fast and secure transactions

We route your transactions securely without compromising on speed and convenience.

International Remittance

Transfer funds across different countries in Africa.

Cross wallet transfers

You can perform cross-border mobile money transfers, from wallet to wallet.

Become a Partner

You can partner with MFiSA as a payment solution by choosing any of the approaches below.

Merchants/Billers/Institutions can integrate MFiSA payment solution to their online platforms, websites or apps to collect payments in one go.

Other payment aggregators can make use of our API to extend their existing payment solutions.

The mFiSA payment solution cuts across a variety of countries across Africa.

Meet Our Clients & Partners

For Business or any other subject, please drop us a mail below.